D-STAR Repeater Info and Net (Tuesdays at 7:30pm)

Home Forums D-Star D-STAR Repeater Info and Net (Tuesdays at 7:30pm)

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    • #443
      Chris Arnesen

      We have a weekly scheduled net on our D-STAR repeater, Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm (between the weekly FM ARES net and FM training net). We don’t have a regular Net Control operator, but feel free to try out the various voice and data modes as well as linking the repeater to others via the internet.

      This would probably be a great place to ask questions if you are having trouble programming your radio, as well as on the regular Tuesday evening net.

      Here are the primary programming details:

      Frequency: 440.550 (+)
      Mode: DV (Digital Voice)
      MYCALL: Your Callsign Here
      RPT1 Call: N7QQU B (two spaces between the “U” and “B”)
      RPT2 Call: N7QQU G (two spaces between the “U” and “G”)

      Chris Arnesen, KU7PDX

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