Updated Radiogram Message Handling

UPDATE: Handling Instructions and ARRL Numbered Texts
Source: ARRL NTS Newsletter, August 6, 2024

The NTS 2.0 Advanced Access and Delivery Working Group was tasked, in part, to undertake a review of the current list of handling instructions (HX) and ARRL numbered texts (ARL). Both components had existed unchanged for many decades. We’re pleased to announce that the working group completed its task. Both handling instructions and numbered texts have been updated effective July 24, 2024. The updated lists are posted under “Standards & Procedures” on the NTS 2.0 website at https://nts2.arrl.org and can now be downloaded in PDF or DOCX format.

“Numbered Texts”, https://nts2.arrl.org/numbered-texts
PDF: ARL-Numbered-Texts

“HX Handling Instructions”, https://nts2.arrl.org/hx-handling-instructions
PDF: NTS2.0-handling-instructions

The list of handling instructions is relatively unchanged; however, it does contain three new instructions:

• HXI — Please handle as ICS-213
• HXR — Please confirm actual receipt by addressee, and notify originator
• HXT — Special traffic test message, ID ___.

ICS-213 and radiogram compatibility using HXI have been discussed in earlier articles; please refer to “Using Radiograms to Pass Agency Forms” under “Standards & Procedures” on the NTS 2.0 website for a detailed discussion.

HXR is an especially relevant instruction for amateurs who are involved with communications on behalf of served agencies. It is discussed in “Update on NTS 2.0 Modernization Project,” June 11, 2023, on the NTS 2.0 website:

“HXR […] requires the delivering station to notify the originator of the message confirming that the recipient has personally received the message. This is a frequent requirement from served agencies. This is different from the HXC instruction, which is sent by the delivering station instead to the station of origin, whose call sign is in the header. Where HXC notifies the station of origin of delivery (such as the message being deposited in a mailbox) of their radiogram, HXR confirms to the sender that the recipient has the message in-hand.”

HXT will be discussed in greater detail under “NTS Traffic Tests” in documentation to be released in the near future.

The list of numbered texts is a superset of the older list of ARL numbered texts. In order to facilitate compatibility and minimize differences in the traffic system between ARRL and Radio Relay International, the ARRL recognizes additional RRC numbered radiograms that RRI developed in late 2022 and has adopted those verbatim into the ARL numbered radiogram list.

It also includes the new ARL FORTY-ONE to be used in conjunction with the HXD (“Report to originating station the identity of station from which received, plus date and time. Report identity of station to which relayed, plus date and time, or if delivered report date, time and method of delivery.”)

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