2nd Saturday August 10th

Start Time: 0900
Location:  Public Safety Training Center

This training will be akin to a “radio check” or an equipment check. It will be at the Sheriff’s Office Training Center. We will be in close proximity to each other so we can ensure everyone is able to perform the task. Then the following month we will spread out.

For some this is a chance to verify your skills and verify your equipment. For others who have this mastered it is a chance to help other TEAM members.

Ideally, you will arrive with the equipment and power necessary to send and receive Winlink (WLE) messages by radio frequency. If not, please come anyway WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. We can likely help to get you going. You can also learn by watching and helping.

Some will arrive with a vehicle, mobile 2M/440 mobile radio, magnetic mount antenna, laptop, soundcard device (Signalink, DRA board, Digirig or similar) and battery.

Others may arrive with an HT, Digirig and a smartphone.  As long as you can trade (send/receive) WLE messages with other operators nearby using radio frequency (2m, 70cm) it will be good.

Bring your own drink or snack if desired. Dress appropriately for the weather that day.

To keep it interesting for those who have mastered these skills, consider bringing a USB GPS device and/or a watt meter.

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